**Due Dates are subject to change from year to year, so check frequently.
Last Updated 3/7/2022*
Many of these scholarships are in Word Documents, to edit the application you must save your own copy first. Go to FILE, SAVE AS to edit your applications.
A Few Scholarship Search Engines:
Due in September
Coca-Cola Scholarship, Due Sept 1st. Check out the scholarship links at the bottom of this page on this website!!!
Due in October
Daniel's Fund Scholarship, ACT of 18 on each subsection, need-based, October 15th.
STARR Scholarship, Full ride scholarship to Michigan State University, BEFORE Nov 1st!
Due in November
Hispanic Heritage Awards, minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA. Due Nov 3rd.
Elks Scholarship, Due Nov 12th
Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship, GPA 3.5 & ACT 26+, Nov 14th.
PEO Star Scholarships, for women with at least a 3.0. See website for the deadline
Due in December
Hagan Scholarship Foundation, Due Dec 1st
Wyoming Association of Secondary School Principals Scholarship,
Dell Scholars Program, GPA 2.4, Due Dec 10th.
Jefferson Scholars, must attend the University of Virginia and be nominated, Due Dec 1st.
Burger King Scholarship, Due Dec 15th
AXA Achievement Scholarship, Due Dec 15th
Wyoming Soccer Association: This is Open to Wyoming high school seniors or those attending college who have played soccer with a WSA-affiliated club. It must be postmarked by Dec 31st.
Wyoming Mosquito Management Association, The applicant must be enrolled in an accredited university or college and preferably pursuing a degree in a field
relating to agriculture or natural resources. Due Dec 31st.
ROTC Interested in a scholarship for Air Force ROTC? ACT requirement is a 26 or Higher
Scholarship Application Closes December 31st
Due in January
National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship, must be a member, GPA 3.0, Due Jan 1st
Danforth Scholars Program must attend Washington University, Due Jan 4th
Wyoming Water Well Scholarship, GPA 2.0, Due Jan 4th
Wyoming School Counselor Association Scholarship, email due date of Jan 15th.
Wyoming Mensa Scholarship, Due Jan 15th
FFA Scholarships, Due Jan 14th
Washington Crossing Foundation, for a career in government service, Due Jan 15th
Coolidge Scholarship, full-ride to any accredited US college or university, Jan 19th of 11th grade
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Due Jan 31st
Due in February
The Wyoming Conference of Building Officials (WCBO) Scholarship Program, up to $4,000 pursuing courses of study which could lead to a career in the construction/building
industry. February 1st
American Indian Scholarships, enrolled memberof a U.S. Federally Recognized American Indian or Alaska Native Tribe, or descendant of a base roll member Feb 1st
Rocky Mountain Section of the Society of Women Engineers Scholarship, for freshman planning to enroll in an ABET accredited program for engineering or computer science, Due Feb 1st
Wyoming School Resource Officer Association Scholarship, for a degree in education, law, or any related field at any community college or university in WY, due Feb 1st.
SME Education Foundation Scholarship, must be pursuing a degree in engineering related to manufacturing, GPA 3.0, Due Feb 1st
American Chemical Society Scholarship, Wyoming Section, for students majoring in a chemistry field at UW, Due Feb 1st
Wyoming Section of the American Chemical Society - Chemistry Scholarship for Entering Freshman at UW, pursuing a degree in Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Chemical Engineering, award of up to full resident tuition for freshman year (cash award if a student already has a tuition scholarship). Due Feb 1
Elks National Foundation Scholarships Programs, any child or grandchild (or step-child, step-grandchild, or legal ward) of a living Elk, Due Feb 7th
Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference, the conference is June 14-20, 2019, juniors pursuing a degree in journalism, Due Feb 1st
American Legion Oratorical Contest Scholarship, DHS Auditorium, Early February
Wyoming Trucking Scholarship, planning a career in the transportation industry in Wyoming, the application is in the counseling office, Due Feb 5th
The Enterprise Photography Scholarship Must submit a photo in the Platte River Photography show, GPA 3.0, Due Feb 13th Platte River Photography Entry Form
Hispanic Scholarship Fund, minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA. Due Feb 14th.
Wyoming State 4-H Foundation, Due Feb 15th
Troy Yost Scholarship, planning to major in art in Wyoming, Due Feb 15th
Georgene Hager Scholarship, Converse County only, GPA 2.5, Due Feb 15th
Walter Urbigkit Scholarship, planning to major in aviation, Due Feb 15th
Wyoming Auctioneers Association Scholarship, GPA 2.5, Due Feb 15th
UW Alumni Association Scholarships, Alumni status not required, Due Feb 15th
Life Lessons Scholarship: Recognizing the character and perseverance that so many young people show in the face of such adversity, Life Happens sponsors the annual Life Lessons Scholarship Program for college students and college-bound high school seniors. Qualified entrants who submit essays or videos about how the death of a parent impacted their lives are eligible for scholarship money. Application open from Feb1st to March 1st .
Due in March
Lauren P. Miller Scholarship, for nursing students, Due March 1st
Walter Urbigkit Scholarship, for students entering the field of aviation, Due March 1st.
Converse County Farm Bureau Federation Must be a child or legal ward of a Converse County Farm Bureau Federation member. $1000 value. Due March 1st.
SEG Scholarships, for students majoring in geophysics or related earth sciences, Due March 1st
Working Ranch Cowboy Foundation Scholarship, for working ranch cowboys, GPA 3.0, Due March 1st
Wyoming Game Wardens Association Scholarship, Due March 1st
Wyoming Elks Scholarships, (3 available including a vocational scholarship) Due March 1st
Dick Cheney Scholarship, preference to students w/ parent who was in Navy, Merchant Marines, or Coast Guard, due March 1st
Wyoming Farm Bureau Scholarships, for children of Farm Bureau members, students 18 years or older as of March 1st must hold their own active Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation membership, Postmarked by March 1st
NILE Foundation Scholarship, must have participated in NILE activities and be currently enrolled in a 4-H or FFA program, GPA 2.5, Due March 1st
Horatio Alger Scholarship, for students with financial need, due March 15th. Open to juniors only!
Horatio Alger Targeted Scholarships for students with financial needs. Due Match 15th. Multiple scholarships with a variety of degrees and colleges.
Wyoming Rural Water Foundation Scholarship, priority given to water/wastewater/environmental-related studies, Due March 15th
UW Alumni Association Scholarships, due March 15th
Society of Automotive Engineers, for students majoring in engineering, Due March 21st.
UW Clifford C. Hatch Memorial Scholarship, GPA 3.0, for chemistry majors Due March 15th
Wyoming Weed and Pest Council Scholarship Wyoming resident pursuing a degree related to agriculture or natural resources, Due March 19th *website not updated as of 03/07/2022*
Lighthouse Guild, must be legally blind, Due March 31st
Campco Federal Credit Union Scholarship, you or a parent must be a member, Due March 31st.
National Youth Science Camp, covers expenses for a month-long science camp in West Virginia, dates are tentatively set for June 27 - July 20, 2019, Due March 31st
WAO Scholarship Must be emailed or postmarked by March 31st.
Due in April
Wyoming Elks Angels Scholarship, students that are the child, adopted child, or step-child or a Wyoming Veteran who lost his/her life in the "War on Terror." Due April 1st
Rocky Mountain Car Wash Scholarship, For students entering a trade. You mail. Must be received by April 1st
ARMA Wyoming Vicki Carroll Memorial Scholarship Fund, for ARMA Wyoming members, Due April 1st. This page has not been updated for 2022.
Central Wyoming Section of SME,GPA 3.0, majoring in physical science, math, or engineering, due April 5th. Scholarship facts. Not updated as of 03/07/2022
Adeline Neilson Scholarship. Email [email protected] for the application.
Wyoming Wool Growers Scholarship, Ag majors or have an Ag background, GPA 2.5, Due April 15th
Rocky Mountain Suppliers Group Scholarships, for students in a mining-related field, Due April 15th
Daleray Madewell Scholarship, for students interested in aviation, Due April 15th- we have apps in the scholarship book
National Dairy Shrine Scholarships, for Ag related majors, Due April 15th
GFWC-W Mary N. Brooks Scholarship must attend a Wyoming University, College, or any licensed, vocational, or trade school located in WY, due April 15th.
GFWC-W Ruth Clare Yonkee Scholarship must attend a Wyoming University, College, or any licensed, vocational, or trade school located in WY, due April 15th. Will Not be given in our district in 2022.
Douvas Memorial Scholarship, for first-generation Americans attending UW or a Wyoming Community College, Due April 30th
UW Hach Scientific Foundation Chemistry Teacher Scholarship, for future chemistry teachers, $6000 for 5 years of undergrad study. Due April 30
Due in May
Blue Collar Backbone Scholarship, for Converse Co seniors entering a trade school or heading directly to the workforce, Due May 1st. They are updating their website - scholarship not available as of 3/7/2022
Dar Hackworth Lineworker, Scholarship for lineworker training, Due May 1st
Adkins Lineman Scholarship, for lineworker training, Due May 1st
Society of Women Engineers, for female engineering students, Due May 2nd for college Freshmen (Feb 15th for College Sophomores and higher).
Grand Lodge of Wyoming, GPA 2.0, Due May 1st
American Petroleum Institute, for a Wyoming resident, must be postmarked by May 15th
Glen Legler Scholarship, due May 15th
Wyoming LDS Scholarship, due May 15th
Architectural Education Foundation of AIA Wyoming Scholarship, Due May 20th Not updates as of 03/07/2022
Central Wyoming Chapter of The Wyoming Society of Professional Engineers (WySPE-CWC), Engineer majors, Postmarked or emailed by May 19th.
Wyoming High School Rodeo Scholarships, Due May 25th
Due in June
High Plains OCIA Scholarship, for Ag majors, Due June 1st
District 5440 Rotary Scholarship, Due June 8th
Horatio Alger Association Career and Technical Scholarship, students enrolling in Career and Technical Education programs, income-based due June 15th.
Gilly Fales Fine Art Award, art major, Due June 25th
Due in July
Hawthorn Foundation Scholarships, need-based, Due July 31st
Wyoming Peace Officers Scholarship, majoring in law enforcement or have a parent active in the Association, Due July 31st
Lauren P. Miller Scholarship - Any Wyoming resident enrolling in a Registered Apprenticeship Program Due July 1st
Due in August
Boys and Girls Club of Douglas Continuing ED Scholarship Must be in a returning college student in good standing with the Club. Commitment to working the entire summer program including the training week. Due July 31st.
Open Year-Round
WREA Lineman's Scholarship interested in a career in the electric industry