2023-24 Focus
Certified Staff
Become a high-functioning PLC system:
Focus Areas |
Action Steps |
Rationale |
Collaborative culture: clearly defined conditions for the PLC system. |
Engage in professional learning to improve the PLC system utilizing the Learning by Doing book as a framework. |
Collective efficacy (D=1.57) is the foundation of our instructional cycle. |
Focus on learning: comprehensive K-12 instructional cycle. |
K-12 vertical content team collaboration.
Implement, monitor and adjust the guaranteed and viable curriculum in response to data from the district assessment system.
NOTE: Converse #1 is developing in MTSS Framework Playbook to ensure a systemic approach to instructional response. |
Results orientation: focus on K-12 student outcomes (achievement, engagement, #LifeReady). |
Marzano Research 5D data process training.
Instructional playbook learning. |
Implement a high-quality, standards aligned, evidence-based instructional response that results in high levels of achievement for all students.
NOTE: Converse #1 is developing and Instructional Framework Playbook to provide evidence-based instructional strategies to teachers. |
K-3 literacy: Effective upon final approval, rules governed by W.S 21-3-401 mandate that each school district provide professional development to all employees providing instruction in kindergarten through grade three. This professional development must include:
- Evidence-based literacy instruction and intervention
- Identifying the signs of reading difficulties including but not limited to dyslexia.
Professional learning as determined by building & district needs assessments and aligned to the reading competencies. |
Wyoming Department of Education Literacy Resources and Guidance.
NOTE: Converse #1 is developing a district literacy framework that will define the collective commitments and processes for literacy. |
Classified Staff
Focus Areas |
Action Steps |
Rationale |
Collaborative culture: positive climate. |
Engage in professional learning around positive culture.
- Live Your Excellence training
- Road to Awesome training.
Collective efficacy (D=1.57) is the foundation of our climate and culture. |
Create, improve, and evaluate system programs and processes: ongoing work on department efficiencies and effectiveness. |
Department team process work.
- Priority training is defined by departments.
- Departments provide focused training.
Highly-effective organizations objectively track and compare their performance on processes. |