
Professional Responsibilities - Staff Conduct

Professional Code of Conduct

Staff Conduct Policy

Code of Ethics

Employee use of social media


Converse County School District #1 employees are expected to strive to set the kind of example for students that will serve them well in their own conduct and behavior which will contribute toward an appropriate school atmosphere.  

To that end, in dress, conduct, and interpersonal relationships, all staff should recognize that they are being continuously observed by students and that their actions and demeanor will be reflected in the conduct of the students.  

The relationship between staff members and students should be one of cooperation, understanding, and mutual respect. Staff members have a responsibility to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning, and meeting each student’s needs.

There must be maintained a certain distance to preserve the professional atmosphere that is necessary to achieve the educational mission of the school. Staff must maintain healthy boundaries and professional relationships with students inside/outside of school and at extra curricular activities.  This includes the use of social media sites and programs.    

Staff members are expected to use faculty restrooms unless an emergency occurs.  

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