
Compliance trainings - Public school works

Safety training


Converse County School District #1 is fully committed to the health and safety of all faculty, staff, students and visitors.  The district believes that occupant safety and a healthy environment are important factors in the functioning of the total educational program, making the district schools a better place to learn and work, creating positive relationships with the district customers and stakeholders, and preparing students to be responsible citizens and to work safely in the community.

As part of the district’s ongoing program to meet this safety commitment, comply with regulatory requirements, and contain health care costs, all employees must complete certain safety training, when they first start working for the district and periodically thereafter.  The courses are available through the PublicSchoolWORKS online staff training system (available in our Staff Portal) and can be completed at the convenience of the employees.

To begin, employees will need to complete online courses, beginning in August.  Those employees with a district email address will receive an email notice regarding the training. For convenience, the email will contain an Internet link to start training.  

The PublicSchoolWORKS system will track employee training and automatically notify those who haven’t completed the courses.  Also, the District Office Administration will be sent a report that will show those employees who have not completed the training.


  1. Login to your CCSD #1 email account
  2. Open the email from “CCSD #1 - Required Staff Training” with the subject of “Training – New Enrollment”
  3. Click on the link “Click here to start your training”.  You will be brought to PublicSchoolWORKS. 
  4. Enter your district Google credentials (same as your Office 365 login), if it is not already saved to your browser.
  5. You will be brought to a screen titled: “Your Login Info.”  If you do not see the “Your Login Info” screen, follow the directions on the “Login Help” screen.  If you have any problems or need further help, call 1-866-724-6650, option 4.  It is very important that the information shown on the “Your Login Info” screen is accurate.  Make any changes needed to your Occupation or Site and then click on the button: “Click here when correct.”
  6. You will be brought to a screen titled: “Your Course List.”  This screen shows you all the courses in which you have been enrolled.  If there are no courses shown, then you are not currently required to complete any training.  For further information about this screen, click on the “Help” button.
  7. For each course shown, click on “Start.”
  8. After you successfully complete each course (and test where applicable) the course will be removed from your course list.  If you fail a test, you can retake the test until you obtain a passing grade.  Your failures will not be shown on your transcript.
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